Silvia Federici (Italia, 1942) is Emerita Professor at Hofstra University (USA). She received her BA from Universita degli Studi di Bologna (Italy) in 1965, her MA from SUNY Buffalo State College (USA) in 1970 and her PhD from there in 1980. A feminist activist since 1960, she was one of the main animators of the international debates on the condition and remuneration of domestic work. Her field of research is political philosophy and women’s studies, and she has also contributed various essays on educational and cultural politics.
In the 1970s she was a cofounder of the International Feminist Collective. From 1991 to 2003, after a period of teaching at the University of Port Harcourt (Nigeria), she was a co-founder of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa and co-editor of the CAFA Bulletin. From 1995 to 2002 she has also helped found the Anti-death-penalty project of the USA based Radical Philosophy Association.
Main publications
> Wages against Housework (Power of Women Collective and the Falling Wall Press, 1975)
> Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (Autonomedia, 2004)
> Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle (Common Notions / Autonomedia / PM Press, 2012)
> Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons (PM Press / Kairos, 2018)
> Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women (Common Notions / Autonomedia / PM Press, 2018)
«Federici: feminismo entre fuegos y fogones» (Pikara Magazine, 2014)
«Etxeko lanak oso bakartzaileak izan dira emakumeentzat» (Berria, 2017)
«Geroz eta jende gehiago ari da ohartzen estatuak, kapitalismoak eta merkatuak ez dutela biziraupena bermatzen» (Argia, 2019)