Ochy Curiel (Dominican Republic, 1963) is a theorist, feminist activist and songwriter. Curiel holds a PhD in Social Anthropology and she is a professor and researcher at the National University of Colombia (Colombia) and the Pontifical Xavierian University (Colombia). She is also a spokesperson for autonomous, lesbian, anti-racist and decolonial feminism as well as she is one of the founders of the Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios, Formación y Acción Feminista (GLEFAS).
Curiel has published countless articles on the imbrication between race, sex, sexuality and class in national and international magazines and books, and she has two books that stand out: La Nación Heterosexual: Análisis del discurso jurídico y al régimen heterosexual desde la antropología de la dominación (2013) and Descolonización y despatriarcalización de y desde los feminismos de Abya Yala (2015).
«Yo ya no creo en una solidaridad feminista transnacional así por así» (Pikara Magazine, 2014)
«Nosotras soñamos con salvar a pueblos enteros, no sólo a mujeres» (Rialta Magazine, 2021)