► XIII theses of Marxism Feminism
► Feminist Movements and strikes in the Basque Country
► Challenges and analysis of contemporary Feminism I
► Challenges and analysis of contemporary Feminism II
► Challenges and analysis of contemporary Feminism III
► Challenges and analysis of contemporary Feminism IV
► Towards 2022 political actions and mobilisations [ES]
► Mujeres andaluzas que hacen la revolución [ES]
► Praktika feminista erakunde mixtoetan [EU]
► Feminist strikes and new resistance [EN]
► Riqueza social desde paradigmas críticos feministas y descoloniales [ES]
► Production and Reproduction in the public and the private sphere [EN]
► Radiografía del escenario militante en Països Catalans y Euskal Herria [ES]
► Knowledge production, difference and vulnerability [EN]
► La lucha por el Pan y las Rosas: estrategias a debate en un mundo en crisis [ES]
► Political economy, value and work [EN]
► ¿Cambiar el Estado desde abajo y desde dentro? Experiencias de avances y retos [ES]
► Euskal Langile Andreak [EU]
► The MENA uprisings, the #MeToo movement and their challenges to Marxist Feminism [EN]
► Interseccionalidad y debates entre corrientes feministas [ES]
► How to become a Feminist Artivist! Art and activism from a feminist perspective [EN]