Jules Falquet (France, 1968) is a feminist, sociologist and since 2021
Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University Paris 8 (France). He has lived and worked extensively in Mexico, El Salvador, Brazil and other Abya Yala countries.
Falquet analyzes, from a materialist and decolonial perspective: the social movements of resistance to neoliberal globalization (peasant, indigenous, EZLN, MST, women’s, feminist’s and lesbian’s movements), feminicides and the neoliberal recomposition of violence, epistemology and the interweaving of social relations of sex, race and class.
Main publications
> Imbricación. Mujeres, raza y clase en los movimientos sociales (2020)
> Pax Neoliberalia. Perspectivas feministas sobre (la reorganización de) la violencia (Buenos Aires, Madreselva, 2016)
> Por las buenas o por las malas. Las mujeres en la globalización (Bogotá, Universidad Nacional, 2008)
> De la cama a la calle: perspectivas teóricas lésbico-feministas (Bogotá, Brecha Lésbica, 2006)