Ewa Majewska – is a feminist theorist of culture, based in Warsaw. She taught at the UDK Berlin, Universities of Warsaw and Kraków; she was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley; ICI Berlin and IWM in Vienna. She published Feminist Antifascism. Counterpublics of the Common (Verso, 2021) and five other books, as well as numerous articles and essays in journals, magazines and collected volumes, including: e-flux, Signs, Third Text, Journal of Utopian Studies and Jacobin. Her research focuses on the archive studies, dialectics of the weak; feminist critical theory and antifascism. She co-curates the exhibition of Mariola Przyjemska’s work at Warsaw Zachęta Gallery (2022-2023). She currently works at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities University in Warsaw (SWPS) on the project “Public against their will. The production of subjects in the archives of “Hiacynt Action”.