Lara Koncar is a PhD candidate at the Department in Cultural and Media Studies (Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade). She obtained MA degree in Gender Studies (Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade)and BA degree in Ethnology and Anthropology (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade).Currently, she is working as Research Coordinator in Center for Women’s Studies in Belgrade. Her main research topics concern the cultural studies,feminist theory, tourism studies and economic anthropology. She conducted various ethnographic fieldworks and qualitative researches with particular interests in labor sphere, such as: work in tourism and hospitality industries, seasonal work in agriculture,academic precariat, housework, sexual exploitation in human trafficking context, and self-management in socialist and contemporary periods. She participatedin numerous scientific conferences presenting her research findings, both in Serbia and internationally. Lara Koncar is the laurate of the “Zagorka Golubovic” annual award for 2021, established byThe Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory (University of Belgrade)for younger researchers for engaged research work, for the best text published in a scientific journal.