Beatriz V. Toscano, PhD is a Spanish scholar based in Germany, at the University of Applied Science in Düsseldorf.
As a researcher in the field of urban space theory and architecture, she understands her work as a co-creative and interdisciplinary endeavour of situated knowledge, where the concerns of aesthetics, political activism and urban design converge.
She has degrees from the University of Seville, the University of Pennsylvania, and a doctorate at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in cooperation with the ZKM & HfG Karlsruhe under Prof. Hans Belting’s cluster of excellence).
Beatriz V. Toscano as a former (equiv.-) Junior Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf and at the Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, her research has contributed with critical proposals in the field of urban biopolitics that she understands as central to the implementation of socially and ecologically sustainable urban models, with topics on Actor-Network urbanism, on gender approaches to urban studies a.o. Beatriz V. Toscano has been a guest lecturer at the Columbia University in New York, the University of Texas at Dallas, the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville, the University of São Paulo’s and the Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, among others.
Her recent publications centre on neoliberal urban planning (SoftPower in 2017), gender and urban planning (La Invisible, 2017), precarity (Kadmos, 2017), urban tourism and revolt (sub\urban, 2019), the militarization of urban space (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung 2022) and urban planning and biophilia (Astrágalo, 2023).