
The IV. International Marxist Feminist Conference, online, November 11, 12 and 13 of 2021

After much reflection, in view of the forecasts for the coming months of the pandemic associated with Covid-19, and the nature of the conference itself, which is international, we would like to convey to you the decision that has been reached: in order to ensure the safety of us all, the conference as a whole will take place online on the same dates as previously scheduled.

The keynote speakers will remain the same. We will have with us: Tithi Bhattacharya, Lorena Cabnal, Christine Delphy, Elsa Dorlin, Silvia Federici, Nancy Fraser, Francesca Gargallo, Frigga Haug, Danièle Kergoat and Gayatri Spivak.

For this reason, as the conference will be webcast live and open for all, there will be no registration. In other words, those who did not sign up at the time, both those who remained on the waiting list and those who were unable to register, will still be able to attend. The link to access the platform will be sent to you at a later date.

However, holding the conference online has some disadvantages, for instance, due to format constraints, unfortunately we will have to reduce the number of communications and panels. Many of the panels that were approved at the time will therefore not be able to take place. The new selection will be communicated by the end of July to all those who sent us approved communications and panel proposals by email.

The criteria to be determined for this reduced selection will be as follows:

– Be among previously selected panels/communications.                                                                     

– Coherence of content with the reorganization of the conference program.                                         

– Geographical and scientific criteria.

– Priority will be given to both organized movements/groups and collective panel proposals (although we will also have individual scientific communications).

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